Since its beginning in 1984, Vantage’s mission is to develop and manage healthcare business ventures that generate customer savings. There is no better time to experience our values of honesty, service, flexibility, and respect that customers receive as we create solutions to healthcare needs.
Vantage owners include a medical school, a pharmacy school, a dental school, and community hospitals. Vantage owners remain independent and use their ownership in Vantage to offer services and programs that heretofore only large systems could develop.
Since 1984, Vantage has created jointly owned services for the marketplace that allow local ownership and needed services.
Rather than looking at a “make or buy” solution, Vantage’s model looks to the alternative of creating joint ventures for the services.
Under the Vantage model, patients who had to travel to other communities for services can now receive them in their hometowns.
Contact Vantage at (814) 337-0000 ext. 2156
Vantage Holding Company, LLC is a for-profit company that develops joint ventures for services. The model brings healthcare organizations together to generate savings and revenues that were previously outsourced. This model targets new technology, high-cost items and services, and programs that require large volumes to sustain them.
Vantage® is pleased to offer services and opportunities that have solid value.
Welcome to our family of services.
Vantage Healthcare Network
1305 S. Main St.
Meadville, PA 16335
©1984-2022 Vantage Healthcare Network, Inc® All Rights Reserved.
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